Helping investors to generate Alpha, manage Risk and optimize their Portfolios.
Optimized Sharpe Ratios
Advanced AI to reduce risk and enhance returns.
Proven Performance
A track record of success since 2017.
Global Presence
Established in New York, Madrid, and Dubai.
What we do
Our essence
We develop advanced AI systems to analyze millions of data points in real time, generating trading signals that optimize returns and minimize risk.
Our formula
Using principles of cybernetics, systems dynamics, and network science, we identify market inefficiencies and create high-precision strategies tailored to diverse scenarios.
Enhance Sharpe and Sortino ratios for superior performance.
Reduce volatility through data-driven decisions.
Leverage AI for unbiased, real-time market insights.
How we do it
Our technology has developed a robust AI system capable of analysing millions of data points in real time, and generating trading signals independently, without human intervention. We are not an asset manager: we are a fintech company, and we help our clients to make better decisions to generate absolute returns that are less volatile.
Mathematical and Statistical Models:
We use complex quantitative techniques and data analysis to identify trading opportunities with precision.
Data-Driven Decision Making:
By analyzing large datasets, our AI predicts market movements, minimizing emotional and biased decisions
Algorithmic Trading:
Our proprietary algorithms execute trades at speeds beyond human capabilities, seizing fleeting opportunities.
Risk Management:
We set strict risk limits, diversify strategies, and use advanced methods to manage market volatility.
Continuous Improvement:
Iterative model refinements keep us ahead of market dynamics and competition.
Continuous Evolution:
AISHARPE never makes a mistake twice. It constantly learns, analyzes, predicts, and calculates every day of the year, ensuring strategies evolve with market dynamics.
Pattern Recognition
AISHARPE recognizes patterns and creates archetypes that reduce risk exposure and improve performance. By identifying inefficiencies, it automates precise market entry, exit, and transaction value.
Why partner with AISHARPE
Not all quant firms are created equal:
At AISHARPE, we focus on innovative algorithms, seamless trading capabilities, robust risk management systems, and the ability to attract top talent in mathematics, computer science, and finance.
Commitment to technology and research:
We invest heavily in cutting-edge technology and research to stay ahead of the competition, ensuring that our solutions remain at the forefront of the financial industry.
Adaptability and agility:
Our ability to quickly adapt to changing market conditions allows us to identify and capitalize on new opportunities as they arise, ensuring consistent performance for our clients.
Revolutionize reliability with AI:
Unlike traditional systems, AISHARPE does not rely on emotions. With privileged access to the world’s largest computing capacity, we deliver reliable, data-driven decisions.
Who we are
Founded in 2017
With the goal of helping institutional investors optimize their returns through cutting-edge technology.
Unique approach:
We do not manage assets; we help our clients to optimize their investment decisions.
Company values:
Discipline, Integrity, Excellence, Humility, and Respect.
The team
AISHARPE is made of experienced entrepreneurs and financial markets executives, together with PhDs in Math and Physics. The team includes exceptional individuals who share intellectual curiosity, hand-on coding skills, and a passion for excellence.
The key reasons
Innovative technology
Advanced AI that constantly learns and evolves.
Proven reliability
Consistent performance since 2017 in dynamic markets.
Customizable solutions
Tailored to the unique needs of institutional investors.
Global expertise
A presence in key financial hubs (New York, Madrid, Dubai).
Outsourcing of quant expertise.
Direct impact
On cash flow optimization and risk management.
Contact us
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